Disclaimer: This is NOT a get-rich quick opportunity. Results are not guaranteed to match ours or other students. Results are predicated on how hard you work and/or how consistent you are. All entrepreneurship involves risks. Consistency, patience, investment, and effort are NEEDED for success. No refunds due under no circumstances once the start of class. This class can only be taken by the registered student and registered student only. Registering as a student means that particular student has Thea access. Each email must belong to an individual. This content is for personal and individual use of a single person and your credentials can not be shared with unregistered individuals. Doing so can result in revoked access with no refunds. A Tax Boss Academy reserves the right to bring a civil suit to any fraudulent activity, disbursement of content to unregistered students, account access by anyone other than the registered student and content duplication. Enrollment in this course accepts the above as understood and agreed.